A Life Less Blog

Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 28 Poem Post—Perfect Poet Award Acceptance
September 8, 2010, 10:00 pm
Filed under: Emotions, Life, Poetry

A single flower

bends with the wind in a field

A perfect pairing

I need attention

I need attention

I need to be heard and seen and felt

I need to be loved and cherished and held

Without this attention I am like a

flower left without water and

a child locked in a dark room

all shriveled, emaciated and reaching

I need to know I matter

I need to know I matter

and that I matter to you.

I want to be counted

relied on, thought of,

longed for, and to know that whatever I do

I have your support.

I hope this is a wake up call, I hope you read this

I hope you absorb it and realize that I need you

just as much as you need me and without us

working together

my back can only bend so far

until it breaks.

***This post is for Jingle’s Thursday Poetry Rally Week 28 Poem Post.

Thank you to Jingle @ Jingle for nominating Wondrinsoul the Week 27 Perfect Poet Award

For Week 28, I nominate Lest I Smite Thee @ http://lestismitethee.wordpress.com/2010/07/31/writing-rape/